
DragonApp Blacklist by Country, IP Address

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DragonApp Blacklist by Country, IP Address

This extension allow you block someone or robots to visit your site.


  1. Block by Country
  2. Block by a single IP address
  3. Block by an IP address range


This extension DO NOT overwrite any file.


  1. Simply upload all files in upload folder to your public root folder.

    FTP Upload

  2. Run this installation script:


  3. Follow the instruction to upgrade or do installation.

  4. Update /index.php, add follow line after require_once('config.php'):

  5. After installation, REMOVE the da_install folder and da_install_blacklist.php files.

  6. Go to Modules --> DragonApp Black List

    If you have input any value, such as USA,, then the plugin will be enable.

    If you input nothing there, the blacklist will be disabled.


Backend End


Login: demo
Password: demo
  1. After login, visit Extensions --> Modules --> DragonApp Black List

  2. If you have input any value, such as USA,, then the plugin will be enable.

    If you input nothing there, the blacklist will be disabled.

Front End

  1. Nothing to do in frontend. If the IPs or country is blocked, you will get 403 forbidden


1. How can I block the visitors?

You can block the visitors by using:

  1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-3
  2. Single IP Address
  3. IP Address Range

2. Why I need to block the visitors?

Well, it's really up to you.

For us, we don't want our competitors or some users to copy our product, or, simply just want to block someone.

Change Log

2013-03-01 v1.0.0

  • First release